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Additional GRFP Opportunities

Over the course of the five-year GRFP fellowship period, Fellows are encouraged to apply for professional development opportunities offered through the program: Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW), and the Graduate Research Internship Program(GRIP). GROW provides supplemental funding for Fellows to take advantage of expertise, facilities, data, and field sites located abroad; to develop an international network of collaborators early in their career; to address problems of a global nature that require international cooperation; and to be prepared to collaborate successfully in international teams upon joining the United States science and engineering workforce. GRIP provides supplemental funding for Fellows to participate in mission-related, collaborative research under the guidance of host research mentors at federal facilities and national laboratories. In addition to developing research expertise, Fellows can enhance their professional skills, develop new networks, and prepare for a wide array of career options in areas of national needs. 

Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) provide funding for special assistance or equipment to enable persons with disabilities to work on NSF-supported projects as described in the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG; NSF 16-1), Chapter II.D.4.

The GRFP supports the NSF Career-Life Balance Initiative  (NSF 13-099) by offering limited paid and unpaid leave options for Fellows facing dependent-care issues (childbirth/adoption and elder care). NSF enables career-life balance through a variety of mechanisms.

Apply for supplemental funding as GRfp Fellow

Fellows may request access to cyberinfrastructure resources, including supercomputing time, through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).

cyber infrastructure resources

Last Updated: 8/17/21