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Top Off Awards / Diversity Recruitment Bonus

The Graduate School Diversity Office is now accepting nominations for the “top-off awards/diversity recruitment bonuses.” We are awarding a total of five top-off awards at $3,240 each. For example, if your department funds an incoming graduate student at $16,000 for the academic year and your nominee is selected for a top-off award, this brings the student’s total financial award to $19,240*. Graduate programs and/or departments can nominate more than one student; however, decisions will be made based on the strength of the nominee’s application materials and the rigor of the program’s diversity recruitment efforts.

*The “top off award/diversity recruitment bonus” is only awarded to the student for the first year.


Nomination Process:

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Forward the nominee’s unofficial transcripts, CV, and statement of purpose/personal statement from their AY application.

Submit a detailed explanation (no more than one page) of: 1) your program’s diversity recruitment efforts (e.g. include names/dates of recruitment fairs attended, scheduled recruitment weekends, number of students reached, existing recruitment partnerships, underrepresented populations you have targeted, etc.); 2) specify ways in which you have collaborated with the Graduate School Diversity Office to improve your program’s diversity recruitment efforts and how you have implemented those practices; and 3) describe how the nominee will contribute to the diversity of your program.   

Deadline: The top-off award is offered on a rolling basis in concert with department recruitment cycles.

All application material must be submitted to:

Faculty nominators and the Director of Graduate Studies will be notified via email of the nomination decisions two weeks after submission. Funds will be transferred to the awarding department by August 1st. 

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Last Updated: 6/24/24