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M.Phil Degree Requirements

Not all degrees allow an M.Phil.  Visit the Academic Catalog to see the full list

  1. M.Phil Degree
    1. The Master of Philosophy degree requires the same qualifications for admission and scholarly achievement as the Ph.D. degree but does not require a doctoral dissertation. There is no separate program for this degree.
    2. All regulations covering the Ph.D. degree with respect to supervisory committees, language requirements, coursework in major and allied fields (with a minimum of 30 credit hours), and qualifying examinations also apply to the M.Phil degree.
    3. Like the Ph.D., the M.Phil is a terminal degree. A student is not considered a candidate for both degrees in the same department.
    4. A letter is required with signatures by both the student and Chair of the student’s supervisory committee or the Director of Graduate Studies confirming that the student understands that the M.Phil is a terminal degree and that the student will not be allowed to rescind the degree.
    5. Send in a Recommendation for Change in Graduate Classification form to update the student’s degree;  along with the letter to the Registrar’s Office and cc
  2. Exceptions
    1. Individual student exceptions to the general requirements for the master’s degree stated above must be approved by the dean of The Graduate School upon recommendation of the student’s supervisory committee and the director of graduate studies or department chair.
  3. Appeals
    1. Please refer to Section II of the University of Utah Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Last Updated: 10/5/21