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Mentor Committees & Supervisory Committees

To promote graduate student success the Graduate Records Office along with the University Technology Systems Team have created a box (see attached screenshot) on the Supervisory Committee (SVC), located on the left-hand side of the page towards to bottom, to check when you are entering a Mentor Committee (MC).

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Science Storytelling Series

Science Storytelling

Calling all first-gen college students! Join in on a fun hour of snacks, sitting back, and listening in on the first of many “Science Storytelling” series! This is an opportunity to gain new knowledge on current research studies being conducted by first-generation students, connect with your peers, and share your thoughts! All students from any year and program are WELCOME to attend!

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New Handbook for Theses and Dissertations

New Handbook for Thesis and Dissertations

The Thesis Office has updated the Handbook for Theses and Dissertations to reflect the quicker processing of manuscripts, simplified formatting requirements, and clarity of language and organization.

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Upcoming Events: Fall Edition

Upcoming Events: Fall Edition

This fall semester will be filled with events, workshops, and resources for U of U grad students! Check out the upcoming events and see how to register!

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Last Updated: 12/12/23